Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kitchen Dyeing and April Show & Tell

Carole Davidson demonstrated kitchen dyeing techniques using gel food colouring for the dyes.

The food colouring is mixed with water (quantities of dye depends on the intensity of colour) until dissolved.  You may add 1/3 to 1/2 cup of vinegar to this solution or alternatively soak the yarn in a mixture of water / vinegar.
The damp fibre is placed in a pyrex bowl and the dye is poured randomly on the yarn (do not leave big puddles of dye).
The pyrex bowl with coloured yarn is then microwaved on high for 3 minutes.
If you are not satisfied with the colour, you can add more dye and return to the microwave.

This process works for protein fibre (wool) and silk.

Carole also demonstrated dyeing on some silk fabric.  The colour shows up better after the silk is dried and ironed.

April Show & Tell at the Guild
Johanne's Shawl and Crochet Baby Sandals
Judy's scarves and re-purposed vest

Delights from Cathy's HandSpun Yarn
Anita's adventures in Crackle Weave
Helen's small pouches and wip sweater

Elaine's Twill Samples and Double Faced Placemats